Friday, December 12, 2008

room 101

in my room 101...there is a single piano and a whole bunch of chairs! its really scary to me to be performing in front of that many people.!

Friday, December 5, 2008

christmas in iraq

I was sitting in band one day, and mr evans was like...I have something for you. it was a letter from the marines and they were like...we are having a solo competition and the winner gets to go to iraq and play for the troops over there on christmas. So i figured why not, so i picked out the arrangement of "o holy night' that mr currie wrote me and I worked it up and I recorded it and I sent it in to the marines. a week later they wrote me back and said that i was a finalist in the competition and that they were going to fly me to washington dc so that i could compete live in front of the white house with all the other finalists. 2 weeks later i was in washington dc living it up! and the day of the competition came and i played and felt really good about it and was nervous all day because they didnt anounce the winner until the next day. the next day i woke up and i was like...even more nervous. we went to the anouncing ceremony and listened and waited anxiously for the results....2nd runner up...amber garduno!!!!....1st runner up...adrianna crestopolous!!!...and the first place winner and the person that is going to iraq on christmas to play for the troops is...ESTEBAN GARCIA!!!! yay me! i worked really hard and reached my goal. the next week i got on a private jet plane to iraq and got to play for the troops on christmas eve and christmas day. it was really fun and it was a once in a lifetime chance. i loved it.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


weeeellll...we of course have turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, a whole bunch of pies, ham, green beans, corn, cornbread...and some other stuff that I can't think of and my favorite is dressing!!! 

and the ten things that i like about thanksgiving is...

1. family!
2. food!
3. sleeping late!
4. eating all day!
5. the lights at the park
6. the treasure hunt thing
7. no school!
8. the cold weather
9. hanging out with friends...
10. the hay ride thing.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Parachute Packers

My parachute packers are...

1. My mom and dad
2. My sister Amanda
3. Mr and Mrs Ed
4. Ron Lemon
5. Karol Garmon
6. Gene Currie

Out of these I would like to dedicate this blog to my sister Amanda. She is of course older than me and has had to learn things on her own, and despite mistakes, she has gotten through it. Now she uses the things that she learned to help me and my sister do things right the first time so that we won't make the same mistakes as her and I just look up to her for doing everything that she has done.

Friday, November 7, 2008

senior night

is tonight! yay!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Nazi party's over

I think its stupid. Just because someone dresses up like someone doesnt mean that that person supports the others morals. duh! I can dress like hitler but that doesnt mean that i support everything that he did does it? didnt think so!


1. glow stick
2. blackout pep rally
3. costumes
4. candy
5. tp raid!
6. scary movies
7. haloween parties
8. trick or treating
9. seeeing all the cool costumes
10. scaring people!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Coach Rhodes

Well freshman year, I remember he yelled at me because we were talking about the pope and we couldn't think of his name, and I knew his name started with Benedict and at the time I wasnt thinking and yelled, bEnedict ArNoLD! and he got real krunk on me. and was like dont ever say that again, you hear me and i was real scared.

Friday, October 10, 2008


so one time, i came to school and like we didnt do anything. it was great. i told off all the teachers that i dont like..theres only like one that i really dont like and then theres another one that like to jump to conclusions..either way i dont like either them so i told them off. and then lunch was great! we ate garibaldis and it was toooo good.i didnt have homework that night and i went out and had loads of fun and yeah!

Friday, October 3, 2008

My favorite birthday!

I would have to say that....the best birthday i ever had was...when i was 4! The only reason i remember it is becuase we have it recorded. The people that were there were bergan buckley, philip someting (we were bffs!), micah something, heidi welch, allie welch...and a whole bunch of little kids from first babtist church! and the cake was really good! it was a power ranger cake, it was the green power ranger! his name was tommy! it was cooool! and we had some red drink and ice cream! and i got these little parachute thingies and power rangers! power rangers were like..the thing! i had a looot of them....i still have all of them too lol. it was awesome!!!and then last years birthday was realy good too...for certain reasons. someone told me someting that i had been WAITING to hear! and it felt really good to know what i knew! and i absolutely LOVED it! but now its over and I have moved on to bigger and better things! and today is also my sisters birthday! her name is amanda too! but yeah! happ birthday to everyone whos birthday is today!

Friday, September 19, 2008

10 things!!

the 10 things i LOVE about fridays!

1. the GAMES!!!
2. the pep rally!
3. band!!!
4. friends!
5. how easy school is!!!
6. fifth quarters/ ones
7. CATS!
8. yelling alll day
9. anticipation
10. marching!!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

My life...

Well of course I want to graduate high school and go to college and graduate too! I want to live in the Austin area or I want to live in the Chicago or New York area. I want to live there because I PLAN on playing in 2 of the best orchestras in the world and thats where they are located. I plan on being with someone that makes me happy...I would like to think that they have brown/brunette hair and are my height. I PLAN to have a 2 story house in the country. It would have 4 full baths, 4 rooms and 1 master. The backyard would have a big deck with a hot tub and it would have a GREAT view. I don't think I would have kids...I'm not sure. I would like to think that I would be playing my horn for a living and making good money....and..."Watch, pretty sure that im done".

Friday, September 5, 2008


basically we're not having one...I dont really care...It wont be the same without it but im not going to make a big deal about it like everyone else is. we can just start something new and make it happen...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Yay! my first blog! summer is over. School has started and I don't like it. I miss sleeping in and everything else that comes along with summer. My summer was basically...amazing. I started off my summer by going to Camp RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award). The camp was held in Capitan, New Mexico in the mountains. It was my first REAL cabins and everything! The first couple of days were kinda weird because i didnt know anybody. As I started meeting people, it got better. Rotary has a program thing called the Rotary Youth Exchange Program and at this camp there were 5 exchange students who were some of the most amazing people ive ever met. They were from Brazil, Argentina, Poland, Australia and France. The two that i really got to know were from Brazil and Argentina. They were really friendly and their views on things were really different. They told me how lucky we are to have the things that we do here, and how much different it is. Sadly, they went back home a month later but i still keep in touch with them. While I was at Camp RYLA, i got a phone call from the professor of horn at WTAMU, Mr. Lemon. Basically, he wanted me to play with his ensemble at the 2008 INTERNATIONAL....INTERNATIONAL Horn Symposium in Denver, Colorado. Of course I said yes, and this leads to my second major summer memory. A couple of weeks later I went to WTAMU BAND CAMP 2008!!!! The camp lasts two weeks but i was only there one week because the second week is when i was going to Denver. Band Camp was good...i was second chair top band...i had a really bad audition and got beat by the most annoying girl EVER, but its ok cause i got invited to play in denver and she didnt :) the annoying girl is the girl sitting in front of me...i had loads of fun and made alot of memories...anyways...after that i left to Denver and had the most amazing week of my summer. The whole convention was about HORNS!..everything music wise that i had EVER wanted was there and i got EVERYTHING i wanted. I loved waking up in the morning, looking out my window and seeing the rocky freakin mountains! I played two concerts there and they turned out really good. I met one of the best horn players in the world and carried on multiple conversations with him and even got a picture!!! (the pic is to the right)I met alot of people and made a ton of new friends. the best part is that they were all for the most part exactly like me :)...theyve been throught the whole band obsession thing. the only difference is that they've grown out of it. anyways, Denver is full of things to do and i would recommend going if you can. It was really sad when we had to leave, but we had to! I came back home and started summer band, which went ok...i guess. and now school has started and summer is over..:)