I would have to say that....the best birthday i ever had was...when i was 4! The only reason i remember it is becuase we have it recorded. The people that were there were bergan buckley, philip someting (we were bffs!), micah something, heidi welch, allie welch...and a whole bunch of little kids from first babtist church! and the cake was really good! it was a power ranger cake, it was the green power ranger! his name was tommy! it was cooool! and we had some red drink and ice cream! and i got these little parachute thingies and power rangers! power rangers were like..the thing! i had a looot of them....i still have all of them too lol. it was awesome!!!and then last years birthday was realy good too...for certain reasons. someone told me someting that i had been WAITING to hear! and it felt really good to know what i knew! and i absolutely LOVED it! but now its over and I have moved on to bigger and better things! and today is also my sisters birthday! her name is amanda too! but yeah! happ birthday to everyone whos birthday is today!
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