Friday, October 31, 2008

Nazi party's over

I think its stupid. Just because someone dresses up like someone doesnt mean that that person supports the others morals. duh! I can dress like hitler but that doesnt mean that i support everything that he did does it? didnt think so!


1. glow stick
2. blackout pep rally
3. costumes
4. candy
5. tp raid!
6. scary movies
7. haloween parties
8. trick or treating
9. seeeing all the cool costumes
10. scaring people!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Coach Rhodes

Well freshman year, I remember he yelled at me because we were talking about the pope and we couldn't think of his name, and I knew his name started with Benedict and at the time I wasnt thinking and yelled, bEnedict ArNoLD! and he got real krunk on me. and was like dont ever say that again, you hear me and i was real scared.

Friday, October 10, 2008


so one time, i came to school and like we didnt do anything. it was great. i told off all the teachers that i dont like..theres only like one that i really dont like and then theres another one that like to jump to conclusions..either way i dont like either them so i told them off. and then lunch was great! we ate garibaldis and it was toooo good.i didnt have homework that night and i went out and had loads of fun and yeah!

Friday, October 3, 2008

My favorite birthday!

I would have to say that....the best birthday i ever had was...when i was 4! The only reason i remember it is becuase we have it recorded. The people that were there were bergan buckley, philip someting (we were bffs!), micah something, heidi welch, allie welch...and a whole bunch of little kids from first babtist church! and the cake was really good! it was a power ranger cake, it was the green power ranger! his name was tommy! it was cooool! and we had some red drink and ice cream! and i got these little parachute thingies and power rangers! power rangers were like..the thing! i had a looot of them....i still have all of them too lol. it was awesome!!!and then last years birthday was realy good too...for certain reasons. someone told me someting that i had been WAITING to hear! and it felt really good to know what i knew! and i absolutely LOVED it! but now its over and I have moved on to bigger and better things! and today is also my sisters birthday! her name is amanda too! but yeah! happ birthday to everyone whos birthday is today!